With a friendly user interface, an administrator can provide bidding opportunities to any vendor with a browser and internet connection.

The ease of management allows an organization to organize the bidding documents, manage vendors and get detailed reporting.

Reviewing history of bids is as simple as checking a box to get information on closed and archived bids.

With the use of class codes, Maratus bidding system makes sure that the correct vendors are reviewing the bids that are suited for them.

| Functionalities

Administrator :

  • Add, edit, delete bids
  • Assign class codes to bids
  • Add attachments to bids
  • Add, edit, delete, disable vendors
  • Approve newly registered vendors
  • Assign class codes to vendors
  • Generate reports
  • Edit settings

Vendor :

  • Edit account data
  • Assign class codes
  • Review bids
  • Bid

Guest :

  • Review closed and archived bids – downloading bid documents is not allowed
  • Register as a vendor

| Reporting



Open - A list of all open bids in the system. A link to show which vendors have viewed.


Closed - A list of all closed bids in the system. A link to show which vendors have viewed.


Recently Reviewed - A list of all bids reviewed in the past 7 days. A link to show which vendors have viewed.



Active Today - A list of vendors that viewed bids the day the admin reviews the report.


Last 30 days - A list of vendors that were active the past 30 days.


Inactive - A list of vendors that have not looked at bids over 30 days.